*it had to be you
Happy Monday all!
*grumbles out of bed*
Rise and Shine!
It’s the start of a new week, and of course I can think of no better person to spend my morning with. 🙂
I know, I know. It’s Halloween…
…forgive me, I’m still reeling from the Divali festivities celebrated this weekend.
And of course, what better to feature than a vibrant, traditional Hindu wedding.

And look at that! You’ve already learnt the significance of wearing red on a wedding day…
As someone who genuinely enjoys learning and sharing about other cultures, I hope you enjoy this editorial and short fashion film by Vogue India.
Love is the theme darlings.
If this doesn’t wake you up, I don’t know what will!
…more effective than coffee? Maybe not. Ha.
But a great start to the week nonetheless!
mod; Kelly Gale, Gita Gale, Manu Bohra, Mariette Valsan, Nidhi Suni, Natalia Rassa, Anirudh Singh Kanecha, Chander Shekhar Bissa, Raghunath Singh Aaktali and Goverdhan Pareekh |
photo; Signe Vilstrup | mag; Vogue India November 2013