


Happy Sunday all,

It’s been a busy few days here in sunny T&T.

While those in the U.S. have been gearing up for the election Halloween, Trinidad – which is a cultural hub – has been readying itself for Divali – which this year was observed on the 29th of October – yesterday- in Trinidad, and on the 30th globally.

Divali -Diwali or Deepavali- is the Hindu festival of lights. It is celebrated in commemoration of good over evil, light over darkness and wisdom over ignorance. And, although Trinidad itself is Christian in nature, due to its richly, colorful history, the country recognizes the traditions of many other faiths.


Thus, Divali in Trinidad is a public holiday and the entire population shares in the celebrations.

As one of the more major holidays in Hinduism, those that celebrate it clean and decorate their homes, in preparation for Mother Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity, to enter in and shower them with blessings.

On the night itself, in an act signifying illumination, deyas – or little clay lamps- are lit and placed in ornate designs, sometimes on bamboo structures made to hold the lights, fireworks are lit and there is joy and revelry in the festivities.

As a blog that began celebrating culture and travel and fashion, it’s refreshing to return to its roots in a sense, and share a little piece of home.

So, as Trinidadians – and Hindus worldwide light their deyas, let us take the time to not only appreciate such a joyous and uplifting celebration, but also to remind ourselves of the light within – that could and should be shared with others.

So Shubh Divali to all…

…and of course fabulous editorials to come.





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