*Union Jacked.


Union Jacked

Google imaging pictures for my last post about the Olympics, I was amazed at how creative the British were when it came to showing their patriotism and support for ‘Team GB.’


Everyone was flaunting their Union Jack colors and clothing…with some really getting into the spirit of the games.

And while most were rushing to stores buying ‘London 2012’ souvenirs, I thought, “Why not get something a little more timeless?”

recently-updated2 As I have so far grown to discover, the Union Jack flag isn’t as nationally revered as say, the U.S. flag. While it isn’t to say that it doesn’t promote a sense patriotism, it just doesn’t hold the same symbolism as a national flag would elsewhere. As one of my professors said, “…One wouldn’t be legally fined for burning a flag here…why would one buy one to burn in the first place??”…and went on to say that you could find it imprinted on any and everything, ranging “…from tea towels to thongs,” [quite unlike the U.S. flag].


A quick image search for Union Jack clothing yielded an array of results, from chic to costumey [with only the chic highlighted in the collages….*of course*].

union-jack I am in love with these pieces, though obviously not all together. I think that they would make for great mix-and-match statement pieces guaranteed to turn a few heads.


Additionally, I think that these are so easily integrated into anyone’s wardrobe, whatever your aesthetic…be it vintage and classic…or rock-n-roll edgy…to preppy and chic…

…I would love, love, LOVE to have a piece of Union Jack clothing….

…plus a little pattern/print/color never hurt anyone… >_<


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